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Pills Energy Drink liters of water a day This seems like a lot but it is not too bad Add a glass of water more often if plenty of opportunities to eat tasty healthy and varied What is good nutrition Good nutrition provides enough energy and nutrients for your body proteins fats carbohydrates vitamins minerals fiber and sufficient moisture With good nutrition you reduce your risk of diseases such as diabetes mellitus cancer and cardiovascular disease and you feel fitter Good nutrition means a lot of vegetables and fruit many wholemeal products weekly legumes about eggs per week a handful of unsalted nuts every day a few portions of dairy a day such as milk or yogurt fish once a week preferably fatty fish for example herring halibut salmon or mackerel few products made from white flour such as white bread biscuits biscuits pretzels little red or processed meat such as sausages or meat products Red meat 

Pills Energy  all meat that es from cows sheep goats and pigs little sweet drinks that contain sugar such as factory juice and soft drinks Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables A wide use of fruit and vegetables pieces per day reduces the risk of certain types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases Try a different vegetable or other fruit regularly Alternate If you are not a big eater of vegetables or fruit you can get your own pressed fruit or vegetable juice to get it anyway In freshly squeezed juice there are fewer fibers than in loose fruit It also makes you feel less quickly At the Nutrition Center you will find examples of the quantity of vegetables and fruit that you need Eat especially whole grain products Choose wholemeal bread wholemeal pasta and unpolished rice These foods are rich in carbohydrates dietary fiber and various vitamins They also provide a saturated feeling The brown color of bread does not always 

Pills Energy  that this bread is healthier Sometimes the bread is made darker with malt extract or caramelised sugar The bread gets darker but there are few extra nutrients If bread is really whole grain this is stated on the label with packaged bread Eat few products made from white flour such as white bread biscuits biscuits and pretzels Legumes every week Eat weekly legumes such as kidney beans soybeans lentils or chickpeas Proteins contain protein a lot of dietary fiber iron and other useful nutrients Pay attention to the type of fat Pay attention not only to the amount of fat in the diet but especially to the type of fat The use of too much saturated fat and trans fat increases the risk of diseases It is important to take products that contain unsaturated fat Choose products with unsaturated fat soft margarine vegetable oils and liquid baking and roasting products instead of butter hard margarines and hard baking and roasting products unsalted nuts such as walnuts almonds or peanuts fish Choose as few products as possible with saturated fat and trans fat little processed meat such as sausage and bacon; choose lean unprocessed meat such as lean 


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